I'm Simon Turner.-image

I'm Simon Turner.

I'm a Denver-based Full Stack Software Engineer, currently working at CapTech Consulting providing tech expertise to our clients. I love challenging problems and learning new ways to solve them.

I love Trail Running and skiing, I've also been reading a lot -- I just finished The Lord of the Rings.


About me

I love teaching and learning, it just happens that tech is the discipline. So, I love working with people who want to be taught as well as with those who like to teach.

  • Location:Denver, CO
  • Age:24
  • Roles:Architect/Team Lead
  • Interests:Running, Wind Surfing, Reading
  • Study:The Ohio State University
  • Employment:CapTech Consulting


Bachelors of Computer Science and Engineering

The Ohio State UniversityDecember 2019

Graduated Magna Cum Laude

AWS Certified Developer

Amazon Web ServicesJanuary 2020

Having worked in AWS during college internships, I started my consulting career by earning a cert.


Technical Lead

Fortune 100 Retail ClientMay 2022-Present
ReactAzureBicepModule Federation

Supported team of 6 engineers to release modern microfrontend site. Regularly reported outlook and risks to senior program leadership.

Technical Lead

Fortune 100 Retail ClientAugust 2021-May 2022
C#AzureBicepARMEvent-Driven ArchitectureMicroservices

  • * Led a team of 4 engineers to modernize functionality from legacy systems, which enabled creation of new customer experiences.
  • * Managed backlog and coached engineers.
  • * Architected services to incrementally replace 3rd-party business unit.

Backend Engineer

Fortune 200 manufacturing ClientJanuary 2020-August 2021

Built .NET services to support customer portal for enhanced planning, purchase, and delivery of products.


Some of the skills that I bring to the table.

Soft Skills
Presentation and Public Speaking
Technical Leadership and Coaching
Frontend development
Backend development
Cloud and Infrastructure
IaC (Terraform/Bicep)

Not only is Simon technically sound and can lead a group of engineers to solve complex issues; Simon is also extremely easy to work with and always stresses Winning as a team instead of individuals

-- Client Stakeholder

He is always thinking big picture and is able to call out any obstacles we may have before they cause us any problems. It is very clear that the client trusts Simon wholly and values his insights greatly

-- Engineering Team Member

He is a great developer and team lead. Simon is very knowledgeable in many topics, and he is always willing to share that knowledge with me. I'm very grateful for that.

-- Client Product Manager

Send me a message, I'll get back to you!

Email is usually best, bonus points for clever subject lines!

© Copyright 2022 Simon Turner